█ About

Guillaume Lucas is a French fine-art photographer currently based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
His work explores themes imposed by his experience, obsessions, and desires. From internal conflict depicted in the series “Obsession”, to the theme of trust featured in “Parkour” to the criticism of contemporary photography in his “Glitch Art” project.
As a child reading the photo book “Pompiers du monde” (firemen of the world) by Christophe Dubois, Guillaume was captivated by the power of the images he saw. Strongly impacted by the composition of the photographs, he understood the intricate potential of visuals and became addicted to image related media such as photographs and movies.
Guillaume picked up photography as a self-taught novice photographer while studying Game Design and quickly became hooked. He proved a fast learner and spent most of his spare time taking photos. It was soon enough after that he began offering free photography lectures to his fellow students.
In 2018, Guillaume received his Video Game Director Master’s degree from the Rubika Supinfogame Design school of Valenciennes, France. It was at this moment he decided to split his life between the interactive medium of video games, and his need for artistic expression through photography.
There’s this fire deep inside me that drives my artistic side. I can remember a discussion with my father, with him saying, “You’re 23 and you’ve already done so many things in your life” and me replying “and it is just the beginning”. I have the ambition to use that fire, and push photography as far as I can.
Guillaume Lucas